From the Sorrento coast to the Amalfi coast


The Amalfi and Sorrento coasts offer dozens of wonders that fill the eyes and the heart. Every kilometer of the two coasts shoulder to shoulder, separated by the Lattari mountains, seems to be a corner of paradise that has remained on earth. From every corner of the peninsula one feels surrounded by a warm embrace of the sun that never seems to want to leave these places, which are reflected on the clear water of the Tyrrhenian Sea where almost all the villages overlook.

Amalfi and Sorrento are just the cornerstones of a peninsula that deserves to be visited in its entirety, but we discover together what there is to see and above all to try on the whole coast.

The natural beauty of the coast

As mentioned above, Sorrento and Amalfi together with their coasts are among the most beautiful places in the world, so much so that they are famous in every corner of the globe and are often the destination of unforgettable journeys that remain forever in the heart.

What makes these places unique are, above all, their natural beauties: from the sea to the mountains passing through the beaches and the paths along the rivers and on the slopes. Here we'll tell some of the most beautiful places to visit.

Vallone of the Mills: the ancient valley of the wheat in Sorrento

The valley of the Mills is one of the paradises that make up the coast. A splendid place, a fissure in the coast that was created by the erosion of the sea on the tufa cliff for thousands of years together with the great eruption with which the Campi Flegrei were formed. The valley owes its name to the presence of a large, now disused, mill that, until the early 1900s, had been used for grinding wheat.

The valley is a unique natural beauty, so much so that after its formation nature gave free rein to its inspiration. In fact, in this valley almost inaccessible to man, in addition to the beauty of the water wedged between the tuff rock, it also houses some of the almost unique herbaceous species and animals in the world.

The protected marine area of Punta Campanella

Among the natural beauties of the Sorrento and Amalfi coasts, I cannot help but talk to you about Punta Campanella and its natural reserve with the protected marine area. Its reserve protects 40 km of coast from Sorrento to Positano, guarding some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world and also a seabed, rich in species, which makes it one of the most enchanting and mysterious places on the whole peninsula.

Separated from the small mouth by the island of Capri and protected behind by the Lattari mountains, Punta Campanella, which owes its name to an ancient sighting tower, thus becomes a treasure chest in which to discover secret paths with breathtaking views, deep sea depths beyond 50 meters and other beautiful attractions.

Sorrento and Amalfi: centuries of culture and traditions

In addition to natural beauty, the two coasts also preserve centuries of culture and traditions. There are hundreds of cultural attractions and popular traditions that vary from country to country and deserve to be seen all, but today I'll show you just some of the most beautiful attractions to visit.

The port of Sorrento: Marina Piccola and Marina Grande

Among the greatest attractions of the Sorrento coast, I can't help but mention Marina Piccola and Marina Grande, two of the most famous outlets on the sea in Sorrento. Marina Piccola is the port of Sorrento and has a great importance from the historical point of view as both in the Greek-Roman era and in the centuries to come the greatest historical events took hold here.

From a humble small fishing port, Marina Piccola is today the most important port in the whole peninsula, unlike Marina Grande, which has really become a small fishing village. Famous for the film "Bread, love and fantasy" with Sophia Loren and Vittorio De Sica, Marina Grande is one of the most characteristic areas of the Sorrento peninsula where time seems to have stopped. Protected from the sea and from a high promontory, you can reach the village of Marina Grande only through a gate of Roman origin, beyond which it seems to go back in time. Once past the door, you enter the one that has all the air of being an ancient fishing village that has not yet known the modern world, with its small and colorful houses a stone's throw from the sea and with the possibility of enjoying one of the most beautiful views of the world with Vesuvius in front and the entire Gulf of Naples on the sides.

Sorrento and Amalfi: the art of the peninsula between religion and museums

In addition to natural beauty, the Sorrento peninsula also offers a boundless vastness of architectural beauty and works of art of various kinds. Among these I cannot fail to mention the Correale di Terranova museum, Villa Rufolo and the Amalfi cathedral.
The Correale di Terranova museum is a splendid complex that contains almost all the history of the Sorrento coast. They range from the archaeological finds of the Greco-Roman civilization to the works collected over the years by the Correale family of Terranova which contains among its collections works by Neapolitan artists of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Villa Rufolo, is a magnificent complex located in the historic center of Ravello on the Amalfi coast, and is a precious treasure chest that contains within itself the history and culture of what was once the maritime republic of Amalfi. The building presents signs of history that saw the succession of different architectural styles ranging from the Arab to the Norman, up to the eclecticism of the second half of the nineteenth century, but the point of greatest interest of Villa Rufolo is its luxurious garden with a botanical garden that collects the rarest and most particular species of the entire peninsula.
The Cathedral of Amalfi or Cathedral of Sant'Andrea Apostolo is an architectural complex located in the highest part of the city of Amalfi from which one can see the whole town. The complex includes two basilicas, the bell tower and the Cloister of Paradise. The various dominations show their value also on the exterior aspect of the complex so that after several modifications the cathedral started to look more like an Arab mosque than a real Catholic church, and this is one of the characteristics that make it unique in the its kind.

All these attractions, beauties and works of high artistic caliber are just some of the wonders that you can visit on the coast, and not only in Amalfi and Sorrento, but there are also hundreds of places and special beauties also in other places that I never mentioned you as Maiori , Praiano, Ravello, Positano that deserve to be visited in every corner. Precisely for this reason, if you want to visit the coast you cannot help but contact Goldentours, DMC Sorrento & Amalfi Coast, a tour operator that will help you manage your holiday on the coast from a few hours to whole weeks, treating your experience in every your appearance from transport to food via overnight and the attractions you can visit.

The Sorrento peninsula and its coastline is waiting for you, run to visit it.