The crib: the symbol of Neapolitan Christmas in the grotto of the Nativity

Christmas is coming. The houses are already beginning to be filled with Christmas spirit and in Naples Christmas spirit is often synonymous with tradition. In the Neapolitan tradition there is a constant, which is almost essential in these times: the crib.
The crib is a representation, ad hoc, of the birth of Jesus. Born from popular tradition in the Middle Ages, it first spread to Italy and then to all the Catholic countries of the world, but home to this centuries-old tradition can not be Naples. On the Neapolitan crib, there often are also split of daily life and recent history and in the crib what is striking, it is its representation of a plurality of situations and characters.
The most reproduced scene is, undoubtedly, the Nativity of Jesus, with Mary and Joseph, faithfully represented next to so-called"bambinello". And what are you waiting for? See how it is born in the following video.
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