The XXXVI edition of the first scientific festival in Italy wanted and conceived by the physicist Vittorio Silvestrini in 1987, Futuro Remoto in the awesome complex of Città della Scienza in Naples, ended on Sunday 27 November.
20,000 people have participated in this edition and organized with the support of the Campania Region and the Universities of Campania, in around 500 events dedicated to the theme of Balances.
There are many events that visitors have been able to attend, although many events have been cancelled due to bad weather. Discover the exhibitions, events and attractions of the latest edition of the science festival.
Futuro Remoto and the theme of Equilibria
Futuro Remoto, as mentioned above, was born in 1987 and is the first European event for scientific and technological culture. Since 1996 it has taken place within the Città della Scienza scenario in Bagnoli, becoming one of the leading events of the complex and the entire Campania and national scientific community. In its thirty-six years, Futuro Remoto has contributed to improving scientific dissemination and has reached the most diverse users: from insiders to ordinary people, passing through students and young professionals. Every year the audience grows thanks to the attention to global current issues and the richness and variety of the programs on offer.
The events and special guests of Futuro Remoto 2022
Many events and international guests were present at the scientific event, which led visitors on an ideal journey through science, music, art, health and society. The installations and the various stands of the many realities of the local and national scientific and cultural community have met with great success. Above all the reality described with the gaze of Quantum Mechanics in the conference show "QUANTO. The word that changed physics", organized by the National Institute of Nuclear Physics - INFN.
Among the international guests of the festival was David Leavitt, the famous American writer who, together with the Director of the Science Center in Città Della Scienza, Luigi Amodio, held an interesting discussion on the theme of scientific communication through the languages of art. Another writer present was Paolo Rumiz who in his show showcased a feminine rewriting of the epic of our continent, mixing myth with history and current events.
Life in space was one of the most important focuses of the whole festival with various shows and exhibitions showing the most interesting aspects of life and the daily management of life in orbit, but also an important section of the program was, as always dedicated to exhibitions, which will be open until the end of the year, such as the one entitled Spazio al Futuro, promoted by the University of Naples Federico II with the support of INFN or the installation, Expansion of the Universe which made the users with the theme of the Big Bang and the origins of the Universe.
The exhibition on life in space also featured the Dark Matter interactive exhibit which told some of the things we know about this still little-known topic even to scientists and a series of stands on life on other planets. This section ended with a tribute to the James Webb space telescope which will allow us to face future challenges leading us to expand the boundaries of the known Universe.
Even life on our planet has attracted many visitors who are interested in the various environmental and social issues that populate the Earth. The conference Ecological transition and our Constitution, organized by the Dohrn Foundation by Ferdinando Boero, President of the Dohrn Foundation and Chair of the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station, explored the complex relationship between capital, economy and nature, whose protection is necessary for the survival of the life on the planet in the light of the introduction of the themes of Biodiversity and ecosystems within the Italian Constitution.
Even the climate emergency in the Arctic and the world was brought to the attention of the many young people present through the work of Angelo Viola of the CNR-ISP Institute of Polar Sciences together with the researchers of the Dirigible Station Italy in the Arctic, through a link in direct from the Arctic station "Dirigible Italia" to Svalbard.
The Memory of Ice exhibition, curated by the Ca' Foscari University Foundation of Venice, guided guests to understand how we can use ice to find information about life on earth about 10,000 years ago, all in an interactive way through an app.
Another front is that of art, culture and society with first of all the event Uno Chef in Corsia: Health is cured at the table, organized by the School of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Naples "Federico II", which saw the professors of the University of Frederick II presenting, with the help of a chef in a white coat, a series of healthy recipes to combat certain pathologies.
Important exhibition was that of the Department of Architecture of the Federico II University of Naples, entitled Re.c - Rebalancing the cell which highlighted the delicate issue of balance in today's society with an installation on the theme of detention starting from space and the living conditions of the inmates and the treatment they undergo in Italian prisons.
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The kermesse ended on Sunday with a peak of guests which allowed the festival to close triumphantly to propose it again next year. There are many exhibitions active until the end of the year in Città Della Scienza, one of the leading cultural centres of the city of Naples that deserve to be visited.
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