Naples, 6 June 2019 - On Tuesday 11 at 11:00, will be presented to the press, at the PAN (Via dei Mille 60 - Naples), the pizzerias that will participate in the Napoli Pizza Village 2019 that, this year, will take place from 13 to 22 September on the seafront.
The Napoli Pizza Village is the biggest happening in Italy. It is a great event with Neapolitan pizza as the protagonist. Every year 50 pizzerias are drawn among the best in Naples to take part in this great food festival and give life to an immense open-air pizzeria.
Every year, moreover, the Napoli Pizza Village is animated by exciting musical shows that see on stage the best artists of the Italian music scene.
The 2019 edition aims to replicate the successes of 2018: A record of presences for the Neapolitan edition of Napoli Pizza Village, the landing in New York of the event in its first American edition and the triumph at the famous Festx Awards in Las Vegas, where the Napoli Pizza Village won the title of best food festival in the world, the only European candidate in nomination.
At the Palazzo delle Arti in Naples, will take place, live onFacebook on the page @NapoliPizzaVillage, the extraction of the numbers corresponding to the battery stations of the pizzerias.
The last two places will be decided thanks to a contest on the Facebook page of Napoli Pizza Village, which will begin on June 20 and will end on July 20.
A month to collect the votes of fans who will indicate the two most popular pizzerias that will complete the list of protagonists of the NPV 2019.
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