Napoli Sotterranea: relive the history up to 40 meters deep in the underground


Naples is famous not only for the magnificent seaside, its own volcano, ancient Greek and later Roman old town, but also for the underground. In total, it is believed that the underground of Naples covers an area of 2 000 000 m2 and is from 20 to 40 meters deep. Today it‘s possible to visit a part of this underground in ''Napoli Sotterranea“.

Visit Naples: discover the history of the city with a tour in Napoli Sotterranea

The use of the underground caverns started almost 5000 years ago. Already since the prehistoric period they were used as burial tombs. Later, in the 3 sec. B.C. ancient Greeks started to dig out blocks of volcanic material – tuff, formed between 35 000 - 10 500 years ago. This easily worked material was used to build the walls and temples of the city.

In the Augustan period ancient Romans, famous for the water supply system, developed an underground aqueduct network, that provided the city with good drinkable water, coming all the way from Serino,70 kilometers away from the city center.

In the Second World War Naples was the most bombed city in Italy, but here died the least number of people in the country. How come? Because people were using this underground as a bombing shelter. In some cases, for example, loss of the home, people were living in this underground Naples and these dark tunnels became their home.

After the Second World War this place was a dumpster. Since the city was very concentrated, there were too many people and too little free space, to solve this garbage problem Neapolitans started to throw the garbage in the underground tunnels.

Now, since 30 years ago the underground Naples ''Napoli Sotterranea“ is inviting to learn the history of Naples of even 2400 years. Located in the heart of Naples, just near the ancient main square of the city the underground Naples reveals the character of a true Neapolitan: superstitious, but very lively, smart and inventive. Napoli Sotterranea takes back to the history and marks the most important moments of this city.

The underground Naples is the most interesting way to learn about the locals and their story. So, don‘t forget to visit ''Napoli Sotterranea“ when you will stay in Naples.

How to reach Napoli Sotterranea by public transport


Napoli Sotterranea can also be reached on foot from the historic center, the entrance is in the heart of Naples, in the left corner of Piazza San Gaetano if you are coming from Via Duomo or San Gregorio Armeno.

If you travel with public transportation... Arriving by metro, taking Line 1 leaving from Piazza Garibaldi you have to get off at the ''Dante'' stop and continue for 750 meters on foot. Alternatively, take buses that go through Corso Umberto, the most frequent line is the R2, and exit at the stop in front of the Via Mezzocannone climb or Piazza Nicola Amore.