The sea of Agropoli
This seaside town is at the end of the gulf of Salerno, and celebrities use to go there, because of its crystal-clear water. The bay of Trentova is a famous attraction for tourists. Legend goes thirty eggs of seagulls were found on the shore, and so was named after it. Today is one of the reasons Agropoli is a very good idea for sea holidays. In summer 2018, the Italian Prime Minister chose it for his days off. In the same time Agropoli was chose to represent Campania in its preview travel book of sea towns you can easily go to by train.
Agropoli: etymology of the name

Agropoli - Its name is Greek for “high town”, as it stands on top of a hill. In fact, the acropolis was set up for military purposes.
Unesco - Agropoli World Heritage Site
However, the sea is not everything you can find in this jewel of Cilento, an area included in the UNESCO sites. You can take a walk in town, cross the bridge and find the district starting from the very centre of it, and going upstairs. As you walk higher, you can find poems written by tourists inspired by the beauty of Agropoli.
On the top of Agropoli: the castle

Going up Agropoli, the castle - On top you find “Borgo in fiore” ("village in bloom"), the district enhanced by flowers surrounding the castle, where you can enjoy a breath-taking view. The castle is named after the Anjou and the Aragon, the rulers who made improvements after the first building of it. You can walk around, and get back to the Middle Ages. You can visit it, and it often hosts events and exhibitions, and go on top of it and enjoy the wonderful landscape.
The castle has stories about it, including Luisa Sanfelice, and it also inspired French writer Marguerite Yourcenar, who wrote the short story “Anna, soror…”. Her words about it perfectly sum up the magic of Naples and its roundabouts: “Never has been a fiction so quickly inspired by the place where it was set”.
Never has been a fiction so quickly inspired by the place where it was setMarguerite Yourcenar
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