It is a triumphant close of the year that accompanies Naples' 2022 end. Artribune's Best of 2022, that's the contemporary art and culture platform's ranking of the year's major excellencies, awarded the city in two categories: Capodimonte is Italy's best outlook museum while Gallerie d'Italia is best new museum site. 

The Capodimonte Museum during the year also undertook numerous renovations, but never stopped the spectacle of its exhibitions. Of particular note is the unprecedented alliance with the Louvre Museum in Paris, together with which some sixty masterpieces will be mounted in 2023. We are talking about works by, among others, TIziano, Bellini, and especially Caravaggio's "Flagellation." A constant activity on the part of the museum that has also earned the satisfaction of the mayor of Naples Gaetano Manfredi, who is grateful and happy for the result achieved. 

The triumph of Capodimonte

The Capodimonte Museum and Real Bosco has always asserted its magnificence because of the great beauty within. All this, with the grandeur of the forest outside. According to Artribune, "The Capodimonte Museum and Real Bosco has stood out throughout the year for its vision and cooperative attitude on a national and international level. The extensive renovation and expansion project of the museum complex hints at a long-term plan to bring Capodimonte into the Gotha of great Italian and European cultural institutions."

The novelty of Gallerie d'Italia

There is also glory for Gallerie d'Italia, awarded "best new Italian museum." The following high praise can be read in the lines of Artribune: "Two great new museum projects, muscular and with a great Italian collection, have best represented Intesa San Paolo's 2022." Keeping company with Gallerie d'Italia is the Turin project, which won the title ex-aequo. The Naples location has only been active since last May but has offered great results right from the start, thanks in part to its very central location in via Toledo